FPC will be featuring Change Orders in our March 2023 edition and we would appreciate your input. Deadline: February 3, 2023*
Tell us about the issues, problems, and concerns related to Change Orders in the fire sprinkler systems contracting and installation process. This could include any aspect of design, installation, and testing of fire protection systems when a Change Order is involved.
Please send a by-lined article (800 words or less) that focuses on facts and information that will help fire sprinkler contractors.
Or simply tell us one point, tip, or concern about Change Orders.
We welcome your article ideas — please tell us what you think! We want to help improve the fire sprinkler industry with an open and independent forum of ideas.
Also, please e-mail us high-resolution images and photos of Change Orders and of fire sprinkler systems. (Note: color photos will be considered for use on the cover.)
If you have any questions or would like to discuss an article or this feature, please contact me.
Brant R. Brumbeloe
*(please contact us for extensions)
FPC magazine
PO Box 370
Auburn, CA 95604
(530) 823-0706, info@fpcmag.com