FPC will be featuring Fire Sprinkler Technician Career Paths in our June 2024 edition, and we would like your input.
Articles (800 words or less) should focus on fire sprinkler technicians, their training, and their career options. FPC will include advice, opinions, and analysis of facts related to fire sprinkler technicians. This may include installers, those who do inspection, testing, and maintenance, and other fire sprinkler technicians.
If you are a fire sprinkler technician, please tell us your story.
What do you do?
How did you get started?
Where were you trained?
When and where do you get continuing education?
Why did you decide to go the route you chose?
We would also like articles that address various problems and concerns faced by fire sprinkler technicians.
Please submit articles and photographs for consideration by May 2, 2024. Contact us for possible extensions.
(Note: Hi-res, color photos will be considered for use on the cover.)
If you have any questions or would like to discuss an article or this feature, please contact me.
Brant R. Brumbeloe, Editor
FPC/Fire Protection Contractor magazine
(530) 823-0706, info@fpcmag.com